Latest CDM V3 news
We’re getting ready to launch CDM 3.18 (pre-release) in mid-February. While this release will still be tagged ‘pre-release’ and part of our phased soft-launch, it does have special significance. It contains a feature called ‘Deep Links’, which allows the mapping of drives to subfolders as opposed to the standard directory root. Deep links have always been possible with CDM V2, but not with V3 until now in 3.18.
Deep Links is the last critical feature to bring parity between CDM V3 and V2, and means V3 will be usable by our entire V2 customer base. A big milestone.
However, we still have a few more quality-of-life upgrades and improvements we want to make before we declare CDM V3 fully public.
These are:
- SharePoint search from File Explorer
- Thumbnail handler
- Office extension for optimisation of interlinked documents (such as Excel sheets)
- SharePoint check-out automation
- Graph API subscriptions
With the work we’ve done already plus these upcoming upgrades, CDM V3 will have comprehensively surpassed CDM V2 in pretty much every possible way. We expect full public launch to take place around the end of April.