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Not as tricky as you think

Sometimes things happen in life that require a quick response. Covid19 has made that abundantly clear.

Survival of the fittest is not survival of the strongest, it’s survival of the most adaptable. But when you need to adapt quickly to something, you need to make some quick decisions. You need to discount options (even good ones) that aren’t realistic right now. If you can see a wave of brain-hungry zombies on the horizon charging in your direction, you don’t have time to build a castle to keep them out.

As an organization, managing files in the cloud has a ton of benefits. Especially in current times when a lot of people are remote, and organizations need to be even more agile than normal in how they work. But if you believe adopting cloud storage will require a similar amount of time and effort as building a zombie fortress, you’re probably going to think “we can cope for now – we’ll figure that out later”.

What if I was to say that you can adopt cloud storage with minimal disruption to users (even if you have thousands of them) in less than an hour?

With the right approach and right tools it’s easy.

The biggest problem you’re inevitably going to face when making a major change in IT is getting users on side. Some people love change, but a lot do not. Fortunately we have a system that allows you to start using cloud storage while keeping your user experience exactly the same.

Network storage to cloud storage like…

How to make this happen.

1) You need Office 365 accounts for your employees/users. Chances are you may already have them for email, Office apps and other bits and pieces anyway, but if you don’t either contact us or your regular IT supplier. There are a variety of Office 365 plans available, but for our purposes here any will do.

2) Cloud Drive Mapper. This is our tool, and it is accelerating in popularity – for exactly the reason described in this post. Cloud Drive Mapper is a simple yet super powerful utility that allows you to map drives to Office 365 storage. It’s easy to set-up, it’s easy to deploy (it works great on Windows PCs and VDI environments like Citrix, RDS VMWare etc), and users won’t even realise they’re using it. They just get their drives, as they expect. Take a look for yourself…

Cloud Drive Mapper maps individual storage (Home Drives/Directories) to OneDrive for Business, and it maps drives to SharePoint and Teams to replace your file shares. It can even handle folder redirection too for your Windows profile folders.

As you could see in the video it only takes a minute to set it up, and then you’re set to deploy it. Obviously deployment times will vary a bit depending on how you typically distribute MSIs across your organization, but using GPO it can be configured and pushed out within 20 minutes. Even a relatively complex VDI deployment can be configured and setup in less than an hour.

Better yet we have an awesome support team who’re happy to help with your deployment as much as you need. What’s more we have a fully featured free trial you can get started with right now – click the button below and get started on your move to the cloud right now.

Let’s get started
