Day Three.
We enter day three of our challenge to create a new product in a week (read more about the challenge here).
Adam C (Architect & Project Lead):
Woke up to find the team already chipping away which was nice. Had a brief catchup with the team and things are pretty much on track. The only exception is Alex who is currently locked in a fierce battle with our old painfully complex API which requires a lot of patience.
James is cracking along too. Nothing like a pair of fresh eyes to keep us on the right path.

My only concern at this point is the amount of work on the desktop client framework. I believe everything will be done but the improvements needed for the desktop framework are starting to mount up… And we only have very limited resources available to work on it.
What’s new? I’ve been starting work on the new product page for “Cloud Winch”, which is our current working title for the new product. We just rebuilt our website a month ago, and it’s just so much nicer to work with than our old site. We went full-Marie Kondo on it and scrapped everything that didn’t spark joy. Old website: 130 pages. New website 24 pages. Nice. We’ve made all the product pages super simple and formulaic too, so dropping in a new product page is a cake walk. I’m sure some SEO Guru out there would tell me I’ve not crammed enough keywords into the pages, but to be honest I’m pretty sure keyword stuffing doesn’t spark joy in the reader. K.I.S.S.

Adam C:
Everything is smooth so far. There’s a lot to do but it feels like we might actually make this. Changed the scope a bit for MVP to remove one of the requirements – it does mean there is a task administrators will need to do outside of the application but it seems unlikely we will be able to get the user selection UI in place before end of the week with only two members of the challenge familiar with WPF.
Leon M:
Scope abbreviation?
Adam C:
Unfortunately, so.
Leon M:
No biggy, we can always add that piece back in next week.
Adam C:
Exactly. Hmm, what is going on with my upload speed? Damn home broadband.

Good call.
Impressed we’re already on the verge of getting into the UI.
Tomorrow? That’s astonishing. I better crack on with the marketing.
Leon M:
Legacy woes. Good catch though.
Go on…
Poor Tom. Let’s talk about that tomorrow. Never a dull day… By the way, any chance we can a sneak peak at the new client yet?
You can indeed.