Lift&Shift v2.5 (Major Release)
Full Release Notes
New features and functionality
1. Support for Cloud Winch to resolve addresses to local name rather than network
2. Support for inbox rules
3. Improved logging and visibility
4. Support for contact folders
5. Added support for file and folder permissions
6. Support for private channels and implementation to ensure conversations and information remains in the private channel
7. Implemented the ability to count the items before migrations
8. Added support to delete on delta if deleted in source
9. Improved performance of copy by increasing the batch sizes on copy
10. Improved performance by using in-memory SQLLite
11. Implementation of support for items moving between folders
12. improved workflow and automation during migration preperation
13. Added the ability for Inbox, Deleted and Sent to go into a sub folder in the destination mailbox
14. Validation now supports only updating counts for new users added to the batch after initial run
Bug fixes
1. Fixed the file timestamps not being the original timestamp
2. Fixed a bug that prevented some files from being copied from local file servers when de-duplication within windows was being used
3. Fixed bug that was cause the move to when finding the OneDrive for a user
4. Fix for deleted draft emails
5. Fix for when merging team chat history
6. Fix for calendar events in team chat
7. Fixed a bug preventing the drive from correctly being created and flagged as success
8. Fix for team assignments when we do not have user permissions
9. Fix for Site Asset drive not correctly being initilised
10. Fixed a bug when the General channel was not correctly matching
11. Removed code that was replacing some special charactors incorrectly in filenames
12. Fixed a bug that was not handling errors and throttles correctly from MSGraph
13. Fixed a bug when copying only specific object types it does not complete the migration and begin the move
14. Fixed a bug that can cause the move process to hang when getting token from MSGraph and IAC API
15. Fixed an issue when known mail folders are not retrieved from catalog during copy due to objecttype restriction