Cloud Drive Mapper v2.8.7.1 (Minor Release)
IMPORTANT: Cloud Drive Mapper contains a minor fix to an obscure issue that can result from customers missing a SharePoint webtemplate property.
- If you are already running version 2.8 then it is unlikely you’ll need to update. The issue fixed in this update only seems to affect a tiny porportion of customers.
- If you are running version 2.7.x or lower and everything is working fine then you’re also probably fine to stay on your current version.
- If you are running version 2.7.x and experiencing any interruptions, then it may be worthwhile upgrading as 2.8 has brought in a few stability improvements to the product.
But please note: If you are updating from a previous CDM version below 2.8 – you may need to re-add our Azure AD Enterprise Application in line with this article due to a change in AAD permissions in versions 2.8 and higher. If you have any hesitations or questions please contact our support team at before making any changes.
Full Release Notes
- Cloud Drive Mapper contains a minor fix to resolve a very rare issue with converged drives not mapping correctly when the SharePoint’s WebTemplate property is missing/null. This issue was resulting in bloated API responses severely hampering drive mapping performance.
- Fix for certain tenants that can result in SharePoint API not returning sites
- Fix to skip sites that derive from Apps under the user’s OneDrive location