changelog (archive)

changelog – February 2020

By February 15, 2020 January 11th, 2021 No Comments

Identity Engine v2.1 (legacy) (minor release)

  1. New support for nested groups. Previously we weren’t able to put a group in another group. Instead when it detected nested groups, it confused parent groups and members of a group and ended up swapping members and parent groups. This has now been resolved.
  2. Bug fixed where if there was no change on inbound except for memberships, it would not update IacLastMod and delta outbound wouldn’t pick that row up

Cloud Drive Mapper (minor release)

For the latest version of the Cloud Drive Mapper client, download it here.

Important note: Before your upgrade Cloud Drive Mapper across your IT infrastructure, we strongly recommend you to check our knowledge-base for updated documentation, and to briefly test the new client with a small subset of users before deployment.

Bugs fixed:
  1. Fixed a bug with conditional Folder Redirection when the sync client had more than a single drive being synchronised
  2. Improved the installer to ensure when deploying using InTune under admin context it would appear in Add/Remove programs for all users regardless

IDx. Identity Engine v1.3 (minor release)

Improvements & bug fixes:
  1. Bug where multiple groups are in a delta the memberships could accumulate into a single entity has been resolved.
  2. Bug fixed where engine was adding nested groups as members instead of properly processing them, and it was processing both group memberships and nested groups at the same time instead of separating those processes and handling them based on present XML.
  3. Improvement to how we handle deleted groups. Our system now by default will remove memberships for the user when the user is deleted. This is more in-line with how most common application work such as AD/O365 and Google. This clean-up process will create significant performance improvements in group synchronisation. The performance is not only on inbound but also when exporting to external systems as it will not attempt to add a deleted object to the group. This option can be toggled on/off on a per application basis.
