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changelog – December 2017

By December 6, 2017January 24th, 2020No Comments

December 2017 – Release

IAM Cloud Admin Portal 2.4

The focus on this upgrade to our Admin Portal has been to make the onboarding of new applications to the IAM Cloud platform more efficient and easier for our customers. We have also focused on improving the Cloud Drive Mapper wizard process to make the set-up, configuration and deployment of Cloud Drive Mapper even easier.

Details of Portal 2.4 Fixes and Enhancements:

  • The ability to add new application types to the portal. The full application details type information included the branded image will not be completed whenever a new application type is added. This means default settings can be added both from the Claims and XML process for our portfolio of applications. This significantly increases the time it takes to onboard applications to the IAM Cloud platform.
  • Ability to support custom connection settings per application. A dynamic screen has been added under the connections tab which allows each application to have it’s own screen and settings. This information is then stored and returned as a JSON property on the GET applications API call.
  • Fixed known issue where some administrators being unable to reset passwords directly via the IAM Cloud portal.
  • Full support for the ‘Allow tenancy shortnames’ to be multi valued. This addition means that the tenancy short names are now checked for uniqueness and have a level of validation to ensure any reserved names or ones used on any other IAM Cloud tenancy are not generated. This unlocks the ability in the next portal release for each application and tenancy to have their own Entity ID. This has security benefits but also helps support future applications. For IAM Cloud this allows a link between tenancy, application and entityID meaning we can now easily and dynamically, within a single IAM Cloud tenancy, bind sandbox applications to a sandbox entityID and tenancy identifier and the same with production applications to a production entityID and tenancy identifier.
  • When an application has access enabled it will provide information on metadata, login and logout endpoints and certificate information. With this change customers can register their own application and upload the Service provider information direct to our portal. This is a further step forward in our goal to fully automate application federation.
  • Application ID can be seen on initial table rather than having to go into each application
  • Fix to a bug which was introduced in Portal release 2.3 which meant the log out screen did not work correctly.
  • Cloud Drive Mapper wizard configuration process has been improved and simplified.
    • The CDM Wizard no longer requires Global Admin access.
    • We have updated some information boxes to make it more user friendly.
    • Restricted by default the Cloud Drive Mapper wizard to only support one Office 365 domain in line with licensing requirements.
    • Support for free text type to support Office 365 groups and SharePoint document libraries without binding to a tenancy.